Big Storm’s Internal Website Redesign

Our marketing and web design company launched a redesign of the Big Storm website this week. Our internal staff worked diligently to improve our website and increase visibility for the many services we provide. The website redesign process took us around 4 months to complete, as it often got back-burnered for client projects. Overall we are thus far quite pleased with how the website redesign came out.

Our Kids Got Shoes
There is an old saying that the “cobbler’s kids get no shoes” which outlines how certain professionals get so busy with their clients work that they neglect using their professional skills to help themselves. Thank goodness we are no longer those children.

Our Website Redesign Plan

New Website Objective

Increase awareness of our capabilities in Bozeman and beyond.

Set New Website Goals

  • Double the number of monthly leads.
  • Showcase our web design and project planning abilities
  • Decrease the amount of spam filling out our contact forms
  • Receive more actionable information from potential leads

While Keeping in Mind Our Offsite Goals

  • Increase our business so that we can provide employment and opportunities for others
  • Grow smart by continuing to provide quality service at reasonable prices
  • Make our client meetings more productive
  • Unite our services behind our core philosophies
  • Provide superior customer support

What We Did

  • Arranged and worked with Bozeman photographer (Simple Reflections Photography) to showcase the new office space.
  • Laid out theme elements utilizing our own best practices.
  • Use WordPress as our content management for easier blog posting and page updating.
  • Targeted keywords we know to perform well.
  • Add in our social marketing channels to build our audience and further our conversation
  • Integrated marketing automation pieces to be more pro-active and nurture clients better.
  • Analyzed our own analytics to see what was working and what wasn’t prior.
  • Optimized the website for SEO.
  • Wrote content and targeted it at converting visitors into

What We Didn’t Do (Yet)

  • As of the time of this post, we haven’t put up any case studies or portfolio pieces. (We have scheduled to do this soon).
  • We didn’t carry over our old color palette and branding items.
  • Promote our site. Plan is done, implementation is next.

Overall we’re pretty happy with the website redesign. What do you think? Let us know.

› Find out more about our Web Design Services

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