Clear Goals: The First Step To Website Success

Whether you are a SaaS business, an eCommerce / Online store, or a local business, you should be able to determine a few goals for your website or digital presence to reach success. Those goals need to reflect your company’s bottom line. This is where a strategic view is necessary. Your website and digital should align with the some, if not all, of the following goals:

  • Your website and digital presence should help to improve the experience visitors have with your company.
  • Your web design and digital presence should reflect your business values and culture
  • You want to create a website that can be measured and improved upon
  • Your digital initiative should be completed on time and on budget.
  • Make money for your business
  • Expand your reach and market share for your services, products and ideas.
  • Save time and money by streamlining or automating a process which reduces efforts by customer service or staff members.

Website Success: What’s Missing?

None of the above goals reflect increasing the number of sessions or decreasing the bounce rate. Nor do they say anything about increasing your social media following or building your email list. These metrics can help you determine the success of your digital efforts and reflect improvement, but they don’t necessarily bring the business any closer to its goals.

Not all owners and managers realize that their website is crucial to the success, or how much Internet traffic, especially on mobile devices, has increased the value of visitors’ ability to process and review information online. Smart managers recognize the critical role their digital presence plays in generating leads, selling goods, and improving their overall business sustainability.

Support Your Business Goals

Your website must support your organization or business goals. The effectiveness of your website in supporting the larger goal of your business or organization is the key. Connecting your business goals with your website will ultimately improve the bottom line. If you are able to understand your audience and customers, trace the path of their journey, and keep track of the metrics you will ensure a much greater chance that your business succeeds. Setting clear, actionable, measurable goals will help you and your web design and development company stay focused on the work that matters most, deliver projects within budget considerations, and deliver massive value to your clients.

Let’s Talk About Your Organization’s Goals