Goal-Oriented, Digital Marketing Experts

There are many misconceptions about what works in digital marketing and content optimization on your website. If you “build it” they won’t necessarily come. As Google and other search engines algorithms become more and more sophisticated, your acquisition strategy should also recognize that your users come first, and search engines come second. With search engines coming second, they still need to come. It doesn’t mean you ignore users nor does it mean that we ignore the technical aspects of search engines. But it does mean that we consider the users need first and then build SEO around their needs. This includes promoting your site to the search engines and other areas for your content and business to be found.

To promote your website, you can produce a decent amount of traffic with a well-structured social media campaign or paid search campaigns. But this is not organic SEO at its best, but it does play a part. This approach can produce a decent amount of website traffic which slows over time. SEO really works well when you take a more strategic approach. When there’s a SEO strategy in place, you will see longer-term goals achieved.

Content optimization is what we like to refer to as an Evergreen content approach. In that your content is found year in year out. The traffic doesn’t diminish over time. It’s a strategy that lasts longer than a season. With this growth for attaining and maintaining top performance in the search engines. It tends to keep giving and giving over time, as long as you mind the metrics and respond to new challenges accordingly.

How can you improve your Website’s visibility in the search engines and compliment it with a good social strategy? Look at implementing a goal-oriented content marketing strategy throughout the entire year. Today is a great day to start. Let our digital marketing experts lend a hand if needs be.

Let’s Talk About Your Organization’s Goals