Great Google Analytics Segments

Segmenting your data in Google Analytics is crucial data that effects the success of your website. A segment in GA is a subset of your Analytics data. For example, of your entire set of users, one segment might be users might be using a particular device. Another segment might be from a particular country or city. Even another segment might be users who purchase a particular line of products or who visit a specific part of your site. There are lots of ways to segment your data.

Google Analytics Segments let you isolate and analyze those subsets of data so you can examine and respond to the component trends in your business. For example, if you find that users from a particular geographic region are  purchasing a specific product and that volume is increasing more than it normally would, you can allocate Ad dollars towards that specific segment and outlying areas. You could also respond by offering a loyalty discount to similar users who are using similar devices.

The good news is you can build and reuse segments in Google Analytics. Here are some good segments to apply to your Google Analytics accounts for better and more accurate segmentation.

Acquisition and Traffic based segments

Find out more about your Google Analytics Segments and doing data driven web design and understanding your traffic sources today by contacting Big Storm.

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