SEO and Maximizing Amazon Ad Campaigns: A Big Storm Internship

Sophia Davis
Digital Marketer

I have been a remote marketing intern at Big Storm for the last six months. I went into the internship with an open mind, eager to learn and gain experience. I looked forward to acquiring new skills, learning about Amazon Ad campaigns, and applying what I was studying to this internship.

My goal was to end the internship as a more well-rounded marketing professional, and I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. I’ve created effective Amazon Ad campaigns, optimized SEO, and utilized multiple marketing platforms. I’ve also earned my Google Analytics and Google Ads Certifications. I was thrilled when I started and realized I would be gaining skills while also doing meaningful work and helping the team.

The main projects I have worked on are Jazz HR, writing year-end analysis reports, creating LinkedIn sales prospecting lists, and managing Amazon Ad campaigns. My two favorite projects were managing the Amazon Ad campaigns and LinkedIn sales and optimization project:

  • The Amazon Ad campaigns I created taught me how to perform effective keyword research, understand the numbers and categories within Amazon, and strategies to maximize budgets. I loved creating campaigns from scratch, seeing the return on ad spend increase, and being able to troubleshoot when needed.
  • The LinkedIn project was my final project and the one I have taken the most time on. I worked on several different messages, media, scouting for sales prospects, and experimenting with banner designs.

Even though those were my two favorites, every project I worked on was enjoyable and crucial to growing my skills.

Big Storm takes a unique approach to interns and offers them hands-on experience alongside their skilled team. I was challenged and pushed to new heights with every project in a good way. Most of the learning was experiential, and I learned so much more this way and gained confidence, too. When I got stuck on a project, I would research the best practices, and if I could not figure it out, I would reach out to a team member. At first, I was worried I would make too many mistakes, but I found that I made a lot less than I thought I would, and that the team was in my corner to help. Plus, the mistakes I did make were excellent learning opportunities and taught me that mistakes are part of the learning process. I have improved my time management skills, communication skills, and technical skills. My favorite part of the internship has been working with such a talented team and learning from them. I loved every training session for SEO, social media, and more.

Big Storm treats its interns with patience, understanding, and high expectations. At Big Storm, you will be growing your skillset, collaborating, and gaining confidence every day.

If you’re interested in applying for an internship with Big Storm, contact us here.

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